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Welcome to Gynopedia

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Revision as of 14:02, 8 December 2018 by Lani314 (talk | contribs)
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Gynopedia is an open resource wiki for sexual, reproductive, and women's health care across the globe. Our mission is to provide practical, nonjudgmental information so that users can feel empowered and make informed decisions. The basic idea is that you search for a city -- for example, New York City or Seoul -- and Gynopedia provides free information on birth control, the morning after pill, STI tests and treatment, menstrual products, gynecologists, obstetricians, prenatal care, abortion access, counseling, crisis support, and more in that city. So, let’s say you need a low-cost clinic in New York, or an LGBTQ-friendly gynecologist in Bangkok, or the morning after pill in Lima. Well, Gynopedia is the resource for you.

Gynopedia image created by Arielle White (2019)
Welcome! Check out the About page to learn more.

How do we get all this information? Contributions from real people, along with research and community outreach. So, we would love if you can contribute your knowledge! You don't need to create an account to contribute. Simply search for a city, click "Edit," and then add information. You can let us know which pharmacies, clinics, or gynecologists worked out for you (or any to avoid!). You can let us know about local customs and taboos that are important to consider. To help you get started, here's an instructional video.

Since this is a wiki, no page is ever complete -- all pages should be updated and improved over time. You can see all the pages under Gynopedia Index.


We're always looking for more content contributors, translators, and fact-checkers. If this sounds appealing to you, please reach out via email ( and we'll talk about how you can help.

We also also accept donations via our Donate page.

Gynopedia is a free community for all sexes and genders. There are no advertisers or corporate sponsors. We appreciate your support. To learn about our story, check out our About page. To learn our rules and guidelines, please check out our Gynopedia Guidelines. If you have any questions, please email us: Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, and thank you for supporting our project!