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As the largest city in Indonesia, you will find many health care resources in Jakarta. Contraception (birth control) is available, including birth control pills, injectables and IUDs, but you will need a prescription. You can access emergency contraception (the morning after pill) with a prescription. If you cannot access dedicated emergency contraception, you can use oral contraceptive pills as replacement EC (we provide details in the "Emergency Contraception" section). You can get an STD/STI test at many clinics and facilities, and especially in Jakarta, there are many resources that assist in the treatment, counseling and support of people who are HIV+. There is an HPV vaccination pilot program in Indonesia but there is currently no PrEP program in place, as of January 2017. While there is maternity leave of 3 months, there is barely any paternity leave in place. Abortion is generally illegal in Indonesia, although it is commonly performed in an underground and clandestine capacity, often in unsafe and not recommended conditions.


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