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L'Allemagne est réputée pour son ouverture sexuelle et sa communauté LGBT. Malgré cela, il y a certains obstacles quant à l'obtention de certains moyens de contraception. Depuis Mars 2015, vous pouvez acheter des contraceptions d'urgence (pilule du lendemain) en Allemagne sans ordonnance. Si l'avortement est permis, il est accompagné d'un 'conseil' obligatoire, qui a fait ressentir de la honte, de la culpabilité ou une incroyable gêne (voir 'avortement' pour les détails) à certaines femmes. Pour le bon côté des choses, il y a également des hopitaux et des médecins absolument fantastiques, ainsi que des ressources spécifiques à la communauté LGBT. Les systèmes de transport sont plutôt efficaces et la plupart des locaux parlent l'anglais.


General Note: There are many types of contraceptives, also known as "birth control," including IUDs, oral contraceptives, patches, shots, and condoms, etc. If you would like to view a full list, click here.

Lois et stigmatisation sociale

En Allemagne, vous aurez besoin d'une ordonnance pour obtenir les contraceptifs hormonaux ("verhütungsmittel' en Allemand), comme la pilule, le stérilet, etc. Vous aurez ainsi besoin d'un rendez vous chez le gynécologue ("frauenarzt" en Allemand) pour obtenir une ordonnance. Si vous avez une ordonnance d'un autre pays, il est probable que la pharmacie accepte l'ordonnance et vous donne le médicament.

La plupart des femmes (en âge de se reproduire) en Allemagne utilisent un moyen de contraception. Dans les années 1990, il a été recensé que 74.7% des Allemandes utilisaient un moyen de contraception dont 56.6% la pilule.

Les préservatifs sont disponibles dans quasiment tous les supermarchés et pharmacies.

Que prendre et où le chercher

  • Pour une liste complète des contraceptifs disponibles en Allemagne, cliquez here.
  • Si vous avez déja une ordonnance pour la "pilule contraceptive", vous pouvez aller dans une pharmacie ("apotheke" en Allemand), qui est généralement ouverte de 9:00-18:00, du Lundi au Vendredi et de 09:09 à 12:00 les Samedis. Si vous n'avez pas d'ordonnance, vous devrez prednre rendez vous chez le médecin. En Allemagne, il y a environs 70 marques de contraceptions disponibles. Pour une liste complète, cliquez here.
  • Si vous voulez les injections contraceptives, vous trouverez en Allemagne 'Depo-Clinovir' et 'Noristerat'.
  • Si vous voulez l'implant contraceptif, vous trouverez en Allemagne 'Implanon'.
  • Si vous voulez un stérilet, vous trouverez en Allemagne 'Mirena'.


Pour les femmes de moins de 18ans, la pilule contraceptive est gratuite ou peut être achetée à hauteur d'une participation de 5euros (2015). Les femmes de plus de 18ans devront payer plein prix, qui variera selon la marque. Mais un mois de contraception de la marque 'Desofemine' coûte 15euros en 2015.

Contraception d'urgence (pilule du lendemain).

Important Notes: Emergency contraception may prevent pregnancy for three days (72 hours) and sometimes five days (120 hours) after unprotected sex. Take EC as soon as possible after unprotected sex. If you don't have access to dedicated EC, oral contraceptives can be used as replacement EC, but remember the following: 1) Only some contraceptives work as EC 2) Different contraceptives require different dosages and time schedules to work as EC 3) You must only use the first 21 pills in 28-day packs and 4) They may be less effective than dedicated EC. For general information on emergency contraceptives, click here and here.

Lois et stigmatisation sociale

EN Allemagne, vous trouverez la contraception d'urgence (pilule du lendemain) sans ordonnance. Jusque Mars 2015, elle était disponible uniquement sur ordonnance. Maintenant, vous pouvez acheter les pilules Levonorgestrel et Ulipristal au comptoir d'une pharmacie, et sans accord parental pour les plus de 14ans.

Que prendre et où le trouver

"Note": La pilule du lendemain qui est efficace le plus longtemps après le rapport à risque est EllaOne ellaOne. Elle est effective jusqu'à 5 jours (120heures) après un rapport non protegé, et est disponible en Allemagne.

Vous pouvez trouver de la contraception d'urgence dans les cliniques publiques, les cliniques privées, les pharmacies et aux urgences. Certains hôpitaux catholiques pourraient refuser de vous donner ou de vous prescrire la pilule du lendemain, mais c'est rare. Pour les contraceptifs d'urgence spécifiques, il y a EllaOne, un anti-progéstérone, que vous devez prendre en 1 fois au maximum 120heures après le rapport non protegé. Il y a aussi PIDaNa, une progéstérone, que vous devez également prendre en une fois, 120h maximum après le rapport à risque. Princeton EC Website . Vous trouverez la liste des pilules contraceptives à utiliser en guise de contraception d'urgence, et les instructions quant au dosage, qui varieront selon la pilule. Pour plus de détails, cliquez Princeton EC website, où vous trouverez toutes les options et instructions disponibles en Allemagne.

Pour en savoir plus


LNG: € 16 en 2013; UPA: €35, en 2013

Maladies Sexuellement Transmissibles (MST)

Important Notes - Learn about PEP and PrEP: If you think that you've been recently exposed to HIV (i.e. within 72 hours), seek out PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis). It's a month-long treatment to prevent HIV infection after exposure, and it may be available in your city. Take PEP as soon as possible. For more information, click here. If you are at risk of HIV exposure, seek out PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis). It's a daily oral pill that can prevent HIV infection before exposure. To learn more about PrEP, click here.

Laws & Social Stigmas

If you are interested in long-term residency or citizenship in Germany, some regions (for example, Bavaria) require an HIV test before your approval. Furthermore, if an insurance claim is filed in Europe, the test results aren't necessarily protected/confidential. So it is advised to seek anonymous testing, if you would like to keep this information truly private.

There are many STD testing facilities in Berlin, though many of them are exclusively or almost exclusively for MSM (men who have sex with men). For this reason, it is best to confirm that a facility can test you in advance. We have provided a list below of facilities that test women (either all the time or on specific days).

What to Get & Where to Get It

  • Check city pages, like the Berlin page, for local recommendations.


  • AIDS-Hilfe Dortmund e.V.
  • AIDS-Hilfe Dresden e.V. - Dresden organization providing HIV/AIDS information and many social programs and counseling for people with HIV.
  • AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e.V. - Provides information on HIV/AIDS and a variety of practical services to people with HIV, including counseling and care.
  • AIDS-Hilfe Hamburg e.V. - HIV/AIDS information in Hamburg, providing counseling and assistance finding help for people with HIV.
  • AIDS-Hilfe Leipzig e.V. - HIV/AIDS information in Leipzig, providing free counseling, discussion groups and prevention education.
  • AIDS-Hilfe NRW e.V. (North Rhine-Westfalia)
  • AIDS Aufklärung - Provides anonymous counseling by telephone or e-mail, HIV testing and information about prevention, transmission and living with HIV.
  • AIDS Finder - Searchable German-language database of AIDS information and organizations.
  • Aktionsbündnis Gegen AIDS - Provides advocacy, organizes fundraisers and publishes a newsletter related to HIV policy.
  • All Around Aids e.V. - Support organization for people with HIV, providing information and forums on HIV.
  • Berliner Aids-Hilfe e.V. - Provides many services to people with HIV, such as counseling and emotional support and activities for people hospitalized with HIV/AIDS-related illnesses.
  • Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft e.V. (DAIG) - Provides research and advocacy.
  • Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. - Extensive information regarding HIV.
  • Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung - Provides emergency financial help to HIV-positive individuals, but does not offer on-going financial support. Also funds a variety of HIV projects in * Germany and internationally.
  • Gesundheits-Amt Dortmund AIDS Team - Provides HIV education, clinical services and support in Dortmund.
  • Gib AIDS keine Chance - Provides information on HIV and its transmission, telephone and e-mail counseling, answers to FAQs about HIV and a comprehensive list of AIDS organizations across Germany.
  • HIV Net - Extensive information on HIV treatment, with a section devoted to the latest developments
  • Kinder-AIDS-Hilfe Deutschland - Helps children affected by HIV/AIDS, providing a clinic for treatment, and many social programs.
  • Projekt Information - Site containing information on HIV/AIDS, including translations of recent medical publications and coverage of HIV/AIDS conferences.
  • Staying Alive- An international campaign which promotes HIV prevention and encourages people to fight HIV-related discrimination.
  • Telefonberatung der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - AIDS and STD Hotline run by German government's health information center, also provides some information online regarding HIV.


All Germans and legal residents are required to have health insurance, so they may be covered through their insurance. For those who are uninsured, STD tests can vary from 200 euro (for consultation to testing and lab results) to 10 euro (for budget options). If you're looking for the cheapest option, go to Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning, which is run by the city and keeps costs low.

Medications & Vaccines

Laws & Social Stigmas

What to Get & Where to Get It

The HPV vaccine was introduced to Germany in 2007. There's no PreP availability in Germany, as of 2015.



Note: In addition to pads and tampons, you can also use menstrual cups and menstrual underwear for your period. To learn more about menstrual cups, click here. To learn more about menstrual underwear, click here.

Laws & Social Stigmas

What to Get & Where to Get It

You can easily find pads and OB tampons. Tampons with applicators can be found in select shops but it's much more difficult. For DivaCup, visit the Berlin location of Globetrotter (Schloßstraße 78-82, 12165 Berlin, Phone: 030/85 08 92 0, Website: You can also buy online on German websites like Biogarten (, MEDintim (, Washbaer (, etc. The Mooncup is sold in Berlin the following locations: Lifelines (Bundesallee 117, 12161 Berlin,, Telephone: +49 30 85401548), Lebensfluss (Boxhagener Straße 13,10245 Berlin Phone: 030-60982382, and Vielfalter (Brunnenstraße 147, 10115 Berlin Phone: 1787 610663).


Gynecological Exams

Laws & Social Stigmas

In Germany, every woman over the age of 20 is covered (either by private or public insurance) to receive a gynecological exam. These exams include a pap smear, pelvic exam, etc. If you go to a doctor in Germany and ask for an annual exam, they'll know what to do.

What to Get & Where to Get It

In German, "gynecologist" is "frauenarzt."



Laws & Social Stigmas

From InterNations: "It is important to note that ob/gyn care in Germany distinguishes clearly between gynecologists and obstetricians (Geburtshelfer). In case you are going to have a baby, you will have your pre-natal checkups at your usual gynecologist in Germany; but they will only be present during the birth if they happen to work as an obstetrician at your hospital of choice as well" (Source: Women's Health in Germany, Internations).

What to Get & Where to Get It



Important Note: There are two main types of abortions: medical (also known as the "abortion pill") and surgical (also known as "in-clinic"). For medical abortions, you take a pill to induce abortion. For surgical abortions, a procedure is performed to induce abortion. For general information about medical and surgical abortions, click here.

Laws & Social Stigmas

In Germany, abortion is permitted in Germany for the first trimester. But there's one hard restriction: a woman must first seek counseling before getting an abortion. The goal of counseling, according to German law, is to "protect the unborn life. The counseling should encourage the woman to continue the pregnancy, and should help her see the opportunities of bringing up a child." After the counseling, the woman must observe a three-day "consideration period" during which she must decide if she wants the abortion. If she does want the abortion, she can proceed to do so, and the counselor will typically refer her to a clinic or hospital.

Despite these restrictions, abortion in Germany, especially in Berlin, is very common. In the first trimester, legal reasons for an abortion include: to save the life of the woman, to preserve physical health, to preserve mental health, rape or incest, fetal impairment, economic or social reasons, and available on request. After the first trimester, abortions can be performed if the woman has mental/health problems or if there is potential risk to the fetus. But this is an exception, not the standard, and a case must be made.

Before German reunification, West and East Germany had very different abortion policies. In East Germany, abortion was legal and common. Under the socialist government, abortion was seen as part of women's socio-economic equality. In West Germany, abortion was only permitted in certain scenarios, such as when there was a serious threat to the woman's life or child's health, or in instances of rape or incest. In some cases, women were allowed abortion due to extreme socio-economic distress, but this determination could not be done by the woman; it was decided upon by a third party. When the country was reunified, a new abortion policy needed to be made to accommodate the country. The compromise between the laws of East Germany and West Germany brought the abortion laws of Germany today.

While Berlin is a generally progressive city, some patients have reported unfriendly treatment at certain facilities. So, as always, it's important to research in advance. There are some Catholic hospitals that refuse to prescribe the abortion pill, even though it is legal, as well. However, Berlin has the most abortions out of any city in Germany each year, and it is reportedly much more tolerant toward abortion than more conservative regions of the country, such as Bavaria.

What to Get & Where to Get It

  • For detailed recommendations, please check out city pages.
  • ProFamiia Berlin - Can provide the necessary counseling (legally required) before an abortion. Need to confirm if they also provide abortion service or just referrals after the counseling. Details: "Pro Familia is the leading non-governmental service and consumer organization for sexual and reproductive health and rights in Germany. Founded in 1952, it is a charity with a Federal structure. As a founder member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) it is closely linked to international developments and activities in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights." Address: Beratungsstelle Berlin, Kalckreuthstr. 4, 0777 Berlin, Phone: 030 39849898, Email: Website:


In 2010, the average cost of a medical abortion was 300 euros. The average cost of a surgical abortion is 460 euros.

Advocacy & Counseling

Laws & Social Stigmas

What to Get & Where to Get It


List of Additional Resources
